How Secret Shopping Benefits Your Business

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Secret Shopper


What would it be like to have immediate consumer perspective on your business?  What runs through a consumer’s mind upon first contact with your product or service? Patrons make quick intuitive rational and emotional decisions about your business that linger. These are questions we answer daily and co-create brand plans for small and large clients throughout New England.

As Forbes contributor Jerry McLaughlin describes,

“Brand is the perception someone holds in their head about you… negative, positive, or somewhere in between.”

McLaughlin shares the importance of brand building.  “People are constantly forming perceptions.  But we don’t have to leave the process to chance.  Every day, we have opportunities to shape other’s perceptions.”

Brand building is about deliberately creating the desired impression in the mind of another person.

An easy way to manage perceptions is through custom brand experience check-ins, secret shopper service or brand workshops.  These are services designed to reveal unseen insights and discoveries so you can make swift adjustments to enhance patron experience, increase awareness and build loyalty.  All packages can be used for professional service, recreation or consumer facing organizations (not just retail and restaurants).

We often are so “in the business” of the business that it becomes challenging to see clearly from an objective client’s vantage point.  How much do you spend “in the brand”, in contrast to “in the market?”  Services are available to build your brand, ease decision making and manage the impressions you make – placing you in control of how you market yourself.

Founder Dorene Olsen offers a service variety in response to helping businesses build their brand and stand out in the marketplace. “We make it manageable and affordable, knowing many businesses only need a few hours of our time monthly to keep or build momentum.” When a business inserts customer based responsive marketing practices from a brand specialist, there is time and energy saved while making an impactful connection to the patrons they serve. “Today’s shopping needs to be a meaningful and easy experience. Our secret shopper service offers compelling real-time feedback and often results in expanded revenue opportunities.” shares Olsen.

Ready to understand the consumer side of your business?  Contact us to get started with a FREE CONSULTATION.


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